Zik Software - Credits

Zik Software / Credits

This website was designed and developed by Angelo Scicolone using the following tools and resources:
Hardware: MacBook Pro by Apple, Inc.
Software: RapidWeaver by Realmac Software, TextWrangler by Bare Bones Software; the blog is made with Wordpress
Design » Blueprint
Themes: main website based on Lime by Elixir Graphics, blog based on EvoLve by Theme4Press
UI » Debug
Web APIs: JQuery, Mootools
This website and/or our software use free icons from:
“Absque” by Mahmoud Saleh
“Constructions” by IconEden
“Danish Royalty Free” by JonasRaskDesign
“Developper Icons” by Olivier Charavel
“Export” by Komodo Media
“PixeloPhilia” by Ömer Çetin
“Project Icons” by Mihaiciuc Bogdan
“The Gadgetz” by Turbomilk
“Vector Social Media Icons” by IconDock
“Vibricons Volume 1” by The Web Design Blog
“Web Injection” by Midtone Design
“WooFunction” by WooThemes
If you think we use your creative commons icons and don’t see them listed here, please drop us a line, we’ll be happy to add them to the list.
Web hosting by pair Networks.